We’ll go through twenty-five of my favorite reads from the past year. For each, I’ll give some overview and comments.
Category: Book Reviews
It is very possible that were it not for his 1944 The Road to Serfdom, Friedrich Hayek would be relegated to the collection of economists
Prices & Production is Hayek’s comprehensive economic text. It is to Austrian economics what Keynes’ General Theory was to economic consensus.
In this post, we cover Hayek’s arguments refuting the “dilemma” of saving as many other economists of the day saw it.
Part 1 of our review of Hayek’s works: we cover Hayek’s theory on the monetary factors that influence business and trade cycles.
John Maynard Keynes challenged classical economic theories, introducing new concepts like “marginal propensity to consume.” His ideas, influential since the Great Depression, still dominate economic thought today.
Another old joke about communism is that it works in theory, but not in practice. This is especially ironic given that Marx’s criticism of capitalism is supported by some practical examples but is founded on incredibly poor theory.
Smith hardly had in mind the creation of any new economic “system” or framework when he wrote. The actual word “capitalism” does not appear in the book.
In many high school civics courses (or at least what remain of them), John Locke is usually given a passing credit as one of the political thinkers…
It has become regrettably popular to lambast Machiavelli as an advocate for the cold, calculating, and self-interested. Thus “Machiavellianism” secures…