We’ll go through twenty-five of my favorite reads from the past year. For each, I’ll give some overview and comments.
Author: Bryce Pointer
In this post, we’ll examine the CAPM, some of its weaknesses, and offer up some alternative suggestions to estimate the cost of equity.
We’ve covered key ideas and arguments from Adam Smith and Karl Marx to J.M. Keynes and F.A. Hayek. Let’s retrace our steps for a moment.
It is very possible that were it not for his 1944 The Road to Serfdom, Friedrich Hayek would be relegated to the collection of economists
In this case, time will tell whether the union is Boeing’s long-term partner—or just another vulture waiting for it to die.
Prices & Production is Hayek’s comprehensive economic text. It is to Austrian economics what Keynes’ General Theory was to economic consensus.
In this post, we cover Hayek’s arguments refuting the “dilemma” of saving as many other economists of the day saw it.
Part 1 of our review of Hayek’s works: we cover Hayek’s theory on the monetary factors that influence business and trade cycles.
My inspiration for this series in the first place was the following epiphany: The intellectual divide between Keynesian and Hayekian economics is even more relevant today than the more basic divide between “communism” and “capitalism”.
John Maynard Keynes challenged classical economic theories, introducing new concepts like “marginal propensity to consume.” His ideas, influential since the Great Depression, still dominate economic thought today.